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Win a Whitley Neill Festive Gin Hamper

Whitley Neill Gin Hamper

6 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

M MacKintosh, Edinburgh

Whitley Neill Gin Hamper

H Sneddon, Carnoustie

Whitley Neill Distiller's Cut Gin


Whitley Neill Distiller's Cut Gin

A Rainey, Worcester

Whitley Neill Distiller's Cut Gin

A MacDonald, Newcastle upon Tyne

Whitley Neill Distiller's Cut Gin


Whitley Neill Distiller's Cut Gin

Win a Whitley Neill Festive Gin Hamper, or a bottle of Whitley Neill Distiller's Cut London Dry Gin for five lucky runners up!

What better way to celebrate the festive season than with Whitley Neill's much loved gins? This bumper hamper has it all, from the classic Distiller's Cut London Dry to favourite flavours Rhubarb & Ginger, Raspberry and Blood Orange. For the non drinkers there's also new Rhubarb & Ginger 0.0, which has all the flavour of the best selling gin, without the alcohol - win win!

For the runners up, there are also five bottles of Whitley Neill Distiller's Cut London Dry up for grabs. 

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 24/12/2023.


Whitley Neill Gin Hamper x1
Whitley Neill Distiller's Cut Gin x5