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Win £50 of perfectly imperfect food from Earth & Wheat

£50 voucher from Earth and Wheat

5 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners


£50 voucher from Earth and Wheat

A Usher, Barnet

£50 voucher from Earth and Wheat

M Ranger, LONDON

£50 voucher from Earth and Wheat

J Northcott, Callington

£50 voucher from Earth and Wheat

M Ironmonger, Dukinfield

£50 voucher from Earth and Wheat

FIVE lucky winners have the chance to win a £50 voucher from Earth & Wheat - the sustainable premium grocery subscription box.

The food-waste-fighting brand is on a mission to reduce food waste by rescuing items - such as ‘wonky bread’ and ‘wonky veg’ - which would have otherwise been thrown out due to their odd shape or size or simply because of overproduction.

Every day, Earth & Wheat saves perfectly fresh tasty baked goods including pancakes, pitta breads, crumpets from being binned by bakeries. Its team also stops fresh good, wonky, and surplus vegetables including tomatoes, red onions and cauliflowers from going to landfill by collecting the produce directly from the farms.

Earth & Wheat hopes that by cutting waste from the supply chain it will benefit the environment and help save the planet. It also donates one meal for every box sold to food charities which redistribute surplus food to schools, community groups, tenant, and housing associations and more.

Customers can subscribe to Earth & Wheat on a weekly, fortnightly, every three weeks or monthly basis including free next day stay fresh delivery straight to your door.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 03/07/2023.


£50 voucher from Earth and Wheat x5