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Win a X2 Apple Macbook Pro

X2 Apple Macbook Pro 2020

2 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

R Little, Kelso

X2 Apple Macbook Pro 2020

M Way, Pulborough

X2 Apple Macbook Pro 2020

At tier1, our ethos is Reduce, Reuse and Recycle and for World Environment Day, we are providing two refurbished Grade A X2 Apple Macbook Pros that are up for grabs in this competition! Refurbished tech is good for your pocket and the planet, so we thought it was only right to offer some of the best refurbished tech for this competition that celebrates what our brand stands for. 

All of our refurbished tech comes with a one year warranty for peace of mind. We also complete in-house quality checks and data wipes to ensure everything is working as it should. At tier1 we work tirelessly to ensure there is a minimum impact on the environment and that none of our devices end up in landfill, buying refurbished tech is better for your wallet and the environment!

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 03/07/2023.


X2 Apple Macbook Pro 2020 x2